






联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101


午夜黄色视频在线观看作为一种可再生能源,通常午夜黄色视频在线观看是由甲烷和二氧化碳,另外还含有少量的硫化氢等气体组成。硫化氢是一种剧毒的有害气体,影响人体健康,空气中含 0.1%的硫化氢可使人致命。而且对金属管道、发电机午夜黄色视频在线观看锅炉等用气设备都有严重的腐蚀性,在燃烧的过程中产生的SO2也是一种腐蚀性很强的气体 ,同时进入大气能产生“酸雨”,污染环境。

As a renewable energy source, biogas is usually composed of methane and carbon dioxide, as well as small amounts of gases such as hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is a highly toxic and harmful gas that affects human health. The presence of 0.1% hydrogen sulfide in the air can be fatal. Moreover, it has serious corrosiveness to gas equipment such as metal pipelines, generators, biogas boilers, etc. The SO2 generated during combustion is also a highly corrosive gas, and entering the atmosphere can produce "acid rain", polluting the environment.
我国环保标准严格规定:利用午夜黄色视频在线观看能源时,午夜黄色视频在线观看气体中总硫含量不得超过20mg/m?。午夜黄色视频在线观看中的硫化氢质量浓度一般为1~12g/m,远远高于我国环保标准的规定。因此,为保证人类健康和保护大气环境 ,延长用气设备等的使用寿命,午夜黄色视频在线观看在综合利用之前必须进行脱硫。
China's environmental protection standards strictly stipulate that when using biogas energy, the total sulfur content in biogas gas shall not exceed 20mg/m?. The mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide in biogas is generally 1-12g/m, which is far higher than the regulations of China's environmental protection standards. Therefore, in order to ensure human health, protect the atmospheric environment, and extend the service life of gas equipment, biogas must undergo desulfurization before comprehensive utilization.
Biogas desulfurization can generally be divided into dry desulfurization, wet desulfurization, and biological desulfurization.
Introduction to various desulfurization processes is as follows:
Dry desulfurization: Fill the desulfurization tower with a dry desulfurization agent. During the intake and outlet processes of biogas, hydrogen sulfide in the biogas is absorbed, adsorbed, or undergoes other reactions by contacting the desulfurization agent in the filling layer, thus removing hydrogen sulfide from the biogas. This process is called dry desulfurization, which is generally used as fine desulfurization and is suitable for situations with low hydrogen sulfide content and small gas volume.
Wet desulfurization: Wet desulfurization is a desulfurization technology that oxidizes hydrogen sulfide in biogas into elemental sulfur in the liquid phase containing catalysts. The process is divided into two processes: absorption and regeneration. Wet chemical desulfurization is suitable for situations with high hydrogen sulfide content and high gas flow rate, but it cannot achieve the accuracy of dry desulfurization.
Biological desulfurization is a new type of biogas desulfurization technology that has become popular in countries and regions such as Europe and Japan. The principle of biological desulfurization is similar to deodorization, which relies on the absorption of sulfur elements by Thiobacillus and Thiobacillus adhering to the surface of the absorption tower packing during metabolism, thereby achieving the goal of desulfurization.

相关产品 午夜黄色视频的存在,是为了更好的服务于午夜黄色视频在线观看等可燃气体净化及利用行业