联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101
午夜黄色视频在线观看脱硫剂的更换频率主要取决于使用频率和环境条件。一般来说, 半年至一年 需要检查并更换一次脱硫剂。如果脱硫剂使用过程中出现臭鸡蛋的味道,说明其已经失去脱硫效果,应立即更换。
The replacement frequency of biogas desulfurizer mainly depends on the frequency of use and environmental conditions. Generally speaking, it is necessary to inspect and replace the desulfurizer every six months to one year. If the odor of rotten eggs appears during the use of desulfurizer, it indicates that it has lost its desulfurization effect and should be replaced immediately.
In addition, the steps for regenerating and replacing desulfurizers are as follows:
Turn off the outdoor main switch and control the purifier switch, turn on the purifier, pour out all the desulfurizer and place it on a cool, naturally ventilated cement floor or iron plate.
The reduction time of desulfurizer should be at least 1 day. After the black color turns orange or yellow brown, reinstall the desulfurizer particles into the purifier and make up for the missing desulfurizer.
Please note that only particles should be reinstalled into the purifier, and the desulfurizer powder should not be reinstalled to prevent the powder from flowing into the stove nozzle through the pipeline and causing blockage.
It is recommended to regularly check the use of biogas desulfurizers and replace and regenerate them according to the actual situation to ensure the safe operation of the biogas system.
This article provides assistance for biogas desulfurization. For more related content, please click: http://www.fengyuch.com I hope this article can be helpful to you. Thank you for reading!